An Interview with Author John Clark
Liquet: John Clark isn’t actually your name, is it?
Clark: No, it isn’t. I didn’t want to use my real name for these books and I never show my face in any of my content.
Liquet: Why?
Clark: Anonymity is a good idea when you’re in crypto.
Liquet: Talk a little bit about why you’d invest money into publishing these books when you remain anonymous?
Clark: I mean, I’m not completely motivated by altruism; I like having my name on books, even if it isn’t the name that my wife and my friends know me as. It’s not the name I was born with. But it’s become my online persona, and I like that. But also, I was motivated by altruism, to a certain extent. You can go back and read Bitcoin Millionaire, and it’s such a time capsule to me. It’s a perfect reflection of where I was (and where Bitcoin was) at that time and place. It was the end of 2017, and we were all in an absolute fervor because this thing that nobody believed in and everybody dismissed took off. And I won big as a result.
Liquet: So you wanted to share that?
Clark: Exactly. You can read the book — I mean, you wrote the book — but you get what I mean. There’s no bragging, we don’t brag in that book. I tried to provide the most accurate and best information I could at the time. Now, looking back, a lot of is a little simplistic, and some information would turn out to be incomplete. But it’s the best picture I had at the time.
Liquet: Talk a little bit about what the process was like getting the book out. What surprised you?
Clark: I was surprised at how often people mention it when they get in touch with me. Even those who haven’t read it — and I’d say, believe it or not, the majority of those that bring it up haven’t read it, they’re just aware of it. So, I was definitely surprised that it stood out so much to people. We didn’t do any marketing for it. Over the six years or so it’s been out, it hasn’t sold very much. But it gave my online persona a lot more credibility.
Liquet: What about the publishing process itself?
Clark: I was surprised at how fast everything happened. After we got the interviews squared away, the team just kept hitting milestones and keeping me informed along the way. Then the book was out and the rest is history.
Liquet: Would you recommend writing a book to others?
Clark: It depends, I guess. Do you have a story to tell? Are you just looking to make money? Because there are much easier ways to make money. But if you want to showcase your expertise or wisdom on something to help people, I’d definitely recommend it.
Liquet: How has the book affected business?
Clark: It’s been great. I constantly get inquiries from folks I’ve never met who reference the book. It’s the best marketing tool.
Liquet: What do you hope to achieve with your upcoming projects?
Clark: I want to increase my credibility and authority with potential clients, but I also want to tell my story. Meme coins and DeFi played an important role in my journey, and I don’t really think most people understand either. My other book is about crypto more generally. It’s not going away; people shouldn’t ignore it.
Liquet: Any last thoughts for our readers?
Clark: If you have a story to tell — and you know if you do — write your book. If you’re not a writer or don’t have time, like me, hire the Liquet team.
Books by John Clark
Memecoin Millionaire: Capitalizing on Crypto Populism
DeFi Millionaire aka Don’t Believe the Bollocks
Crypto Millionaire: Why You Can’t Continue to Ignore Crypto
Bitcoin Millionaire: How Cryptocurrency Changed My Life